303-233-8383 [email protected]

Project Profile:

Ursinus College

Project Summary

Unfortunately this area is not irrigated and it took a beating during the drought last in 2002.


601 E. Main Street, Collegeville  19426

Install Size

395 m2 (4,252 sf)





Project Gallery

Permeable Paving was installed in the fire lane access areas at Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pennsylvania, using Grasspave2.
From Main Street the fire lane straddles the sidewalk all the way back to the new building. There is an east/west section in front of the house on the left for backing into and turning around.
Turf Pavers were installed in the fire lane access areas at Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pennsylvania, using Grasspave2.
The Ginko Tree is dropping it’s yellow fruit on the right side of the GP2 fire lane which is where the left section goes in front of the house. You can see the end of the straight lane where the sidewalk meets the new building.
Porous Paving was installed in the fire lane access areas at Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pennsylvania, using Grasspave2.
Underneath the Ginko Tree, you can see where the left leg of the GP2 lane is located. It’s is bordered by the sidewalk on the right and the tree on the left.